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Latest Valued Members

1. anthony hambrick
Joined - 2022-05-28 07:34:19

2. mahmoud meky
Joined - 2022-05-28 06:15:55

3. John Leogue
Joined - 2022-05-28 03:42:56

4. barry cutler
Joined - 2022-05-27 21:17:57

5. Stacey Atkinson
Joined - 2022-05-27 20:44:00

6. Mary McDermott
Joined - 2022-05-27 16:28:09

7. Adam Lassak
Joined - 2022-05-27 15:22:37

8. willie combs
Joined - 2022-05-27 13:05:17

9. Janice Meade
Joined - 2022-05-27 13:03:36

10. EmmaJ Glover
Joined - 2022-05-27 13:01:22

11. Susan McCook
Joined - 2022-05-27 12:46:14

12. Feona Paras
Joined - 2022-05-27 12:43:15

13. Samuel Oluwadamilare
Joined - 2022-05-27 12:26:21

Total Team Members As of
2022-05-28 08:27:13

What is Traffic Exchange

Traffic Exchange is an online advertising platform where online business owners and business affilaites can register FREE or paid membership account. It allows its members to add their own business website, business affiliate links, splash pages, lead capture pages, banners and text ads. 

Members and add their website URL to their account under My T.E Websites, add their banner under My Banner Ads and Text Ads under My Text Ads tab. Members will then needs to have enough credits and impressions to be assign to their ads (Websites, Banners and Text  Ads). There are 3 options available to have credits and impressions, namely; by surfing other members website in rotation to earn credits, purchase credit package, or go for paid members. All credit you earn from surfing and/or from credit package purchase can be assign to their own website submitted for rotation so that it will rotate in our surf bar when other members are surfing. 

At Actual Hits 4U Co-op Marketing we also pay to our valued members from their referral upgrads and credit purchase. FREE Members will earn up to 15% commission on all downline referrals purchases or monthly membership subscripton while paid membeship will earn up to 50% commissions. We pay commissions payout via PayPal, PAYEER, CoinBase and CoinPayments.

Good news! we are not just an ordinary traffic exchange. We combine traffic exchange function and co-op advertising in a single platform. 

Please contact us via support ticket if you have some inquiry.

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